Some of John Plevyak's papers
Much of this work was done in the context of the Illinois Concert System
ICC++ Information
Automatic Interprocedural Optimiation for Object-Oriented Programming Languages
Submitted for Publication, October 1995 (Plevyak & Chien)
Type Directed Cloning for Object-Oriented Programs
In the workshop for Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computers,
Columbus, Ohio, August 1995 (Plevyak & Chien)
A Hybrid Execution Model for Fine-Grained Languages on
Distributed Memory Multicomputers
In Supercomputing '95, San Diego, California
(Plevyak, Karamcheti, Zhang & Chien)
Iterative Flow Analysis (IFA),
Submitted for Publication July '95 (Plevyak & Chien)
Obtaining Sequential Efficiency for Concurrent Object-Oriented
POPL'95 (Plevyak, Zhang & Chien)
1993 and earlier
The Concert System: Compiler and Runtime Support for
Fine-Grained Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages
(Overview Document), UIUC DCS Tech Report R-93-1815
(Chien, Karamcheti, & Plevyak)
Analysis of Dynamic Structures for Efficient Parallel
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Machines '93
(Plevyak, Karamcheti, & Chien)
Techniques for Efficient Execution of Fine-Grained Concurrent
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Machines '92
(Chien, Feng, Karamcheti, & Plevyak)
john at plevyak dot com